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Commercial building construction|15 steps

Commercial building construction can be understood in 15 steps. Let us understand the process.

15 Steps involved in Commercial building Construction

Commercial building construction process steps

For any project the following phases are involved :

1. Initiate 2. Plan 3.Construct 4.Monitor and control 5.Close

The following are the 15 major steps involved in commercial building construction and in occupancy by End-user :

  1. Plot or land selection will be done by Client or owner for the construction of a commercial building.
  2. Preparing rough estimation of building and getting budget approval from the board of directors or President or MD or CEO of the company.
  3. Appointment of architects, structural, landscape, MEP etc consultants for the design of the building.
  4. Getting approvals from government officials or authorities of the state for building construction. For more info on documents required for getting approvals, click the link below 48 quick steps for House construction
  5. Appointment of Project Managers and Project team for commercial building completion.
  6. After design integration, the Scope of work finalisation and BOQ preparation, tenders will be floated for different items of work by Purchase or Contracts team.
  7. Awarding work orders and purchase orders to different contractors based on least quotations on tenders by Purchase or Contracts team.
  8. Preparing master schedules for different items of work by Planning or Project Coordinator.
  9. Start-ups of works and monitor, control will be done by the Project team.
  10. Contractors bills checking, certifying, issuing amendments in WO, PO will be done by QS, Contracts team.
  11. Completion of the Commercial Base Build product and Handing Over of the project by submitting handing over documents, project closure reports to the Client /Owner.
  12. With the help of the Marketing Team, Client/Owner will give the base build constructed product to END User with a contract or lease period say ‘X’ years.
  13. Start-up of Interior fit-out works by END User team.
  14. Occupancy of END User for contract period ‘X’ years.
  15. After completing the Contract X years, the END user can extend the period with the help of a client or can be moved to other commercial base build product.
Commercial building-night view

The above cycle of 1 to 11 steps repeats to initiate and to complete the different Commercial base build projects and this steps continuous until the Budget exhausts or become ‘Zero’ with Owner/Client and steps 12 to 15 will repeat until Budget exhausts or become ‘Zero’ with END Users.

Note: Commercial building projects can be IT buildings in which End users can be Google, Apple, Amazon etc, Retail builds like shopping malls, banks, food courts etc., Amenity blocks for recreation purpose etc types.

Commercial building construction

Comparison of the above commercial building steps with the body

As per Ancient Indian Scriptures plants, animals, the human body etc body’s are similar to Commercial base build product and the Soul or Atman is similar to END User.

For start-up of any commercial project, Budget or money is required. As per Ancient Indian scriptures, this budget or money is similar to the number of good deeds and bad deeds performed by Soul or Atman.

As per scriptures only good and bad deeds are carry forward to next life, not the body, money earned during life period, assets, liabilities etc.

This is like carry forward of END users to another commercial base build product after completion of lease or contract period.

As per ancient Indian scriptures, this average contract period for the human body is 100 years in Kali-yuga, 1000 years in Treta yuga, 10000 years in Dwapar Yuga and 100000 years in Satya Yuga.

Example 1:

Note :There are three types of Souls.

Positive Soul (+s like proton), Negative Soul (-s like electron),Ultimate soul (sn like neutron)

As per ancient Indian scriptures, there are 8.4 millions species of bodies present. i.e 8.4 million commercial base build products in which the END user (soul/atman) can stay until the completion of the contract period.

  • The Human body, amphibians -0.4 million species
  • Trees – 2 million species
  • Birds – 1 million species
  • aquatics-0.9 million species
  • Insects -1.1 million species
  • Animals – 3 million species

Let us assume a person with the human body B1 with Soul (+s, -s, sn) performed P1 positive (good) deeds and N1 Negative (bad) deeds.

After completing lease or contract period say 100 years in Kaliyuga, END user (soul) may extend it’s contract period or can leave the commercial product (body).

As given in Step 10, QS and Contracts team will certify bills and closes the Purchase orders, Work orders after completion of project and client will pay final bill amount after submitting handing over document, project closure report.

Similarly, after completing karma (good, bad deeds) in the present life, those deeds will be cross-checked by Yamadharma Raja, Chitragupta team and final bill or resultant deeds will be awarded to the Soul.

For the body B1,if P1 >N1,then the resultant deeds will be P1-N1 and soul will take higher level of species body.

For the body B1, if N1 >P1, then the resultant deeds will be N1 -P1 and soul will take a lower level of species body.

Say the human body with B1, Performed N1>P1 deeds in his/her life span.Soul S1 after lease or contract period will take lower species body say body of Dog.

Choosing the species body is like selection of plot or land in Step 1 of commercial building construction.

For any project, budget or money is required for start-up. So amount or budget for Soul to the start-up of a new body or commercial product is resultant deeds which were awarded by the Chitragupta team.

For any commercial project completion, there will be a certain period or deadline which will be done by project coordinator along with the project team while preparing the master schedule in which the project should be closed.

This time or master schedule is similar to body development in mothers womb.

For humans, this average period or time is 9 to 10 months, for dogs is 63 days, for elephants are 22 months etc and this period will follow the critical path method. For more info on critical path method just click the link.

The average contract period of Dog is 10 to 13 years. So after contract period again it’s karma (good, bad deeds) will be evaluated by Chitragupta team and the cycle completes until the good deeds, bad deeds, i.e resultant deeds become ‘zero’ and this is similar to Client stopping the commercial projects when budgeting exhausts or becomes zero and budget exhausts or become zero with End User.As per ancient Indian scripture this stage can be termed as “Soul attained Salvation or Moksha

The fate of the commercial building, I mean elevations, facilities, design, landscape etc features will be decided by the architect, structural engineers, Project team, Client, End-users during planning, construct, monitor, control phases.

The above fate of the commercial building is similar to the fate written by Lord Brahma and his team on the bodies of humans, plants, animals etc living beings.

As mentioned in Step-13,The END users start the interior fit-outs work in commercial base build products.

This interior Fit-out’s Works is equal to interior organs and body parts development which happens in mother womb during pregnancy period.

Actually, if we consider apps in play store for androids, iTunes for iPhone etc, Consider one HDFC banking app, if we enter login ID and password (giving input), then directly we can see the output like bank balance etc app features. But the background coding, Java scripts, HTML scripts etc can not be visible to the naked eye but things happen in the background.

The above example can be compared to the development of the baby in the mother womb. Sexual intercourse between male and female bodies is like giving user ID and password for the bank called Kids store and after 9 to 10 months a baby product will be launched out in case of humans.

But the background baby development, organs development can’t be seen with our naked eye and all works will happen like a programmed structure like software engineers do while developing apps like HDFC bank app etc apps and launching in play store for Android, iTunes for apple etc stores and this development follow critical path method.

To learn more above critical path method, just click the link below

So according to me Lord Brahma and his /her team might be a Software engineers.

The above example can be compared to movie making. The director will direct the movie with the help of different technicians and the movie will be released on a fine day. What we see in theaters is Only the output but all the hard work done by directors, different technicians who worked for the movie can not be seen on the screen when the movie is released.

According to me, Lord Brahma might also be the director who works with the help of different Brahma’s technicians for creating body’s of different species,writing fate etc features of the living beings.

For any project apart from money or budget, we need materials, labor, contractors, favored climatic conditions etc for completing different items of works. To know more about different items of work, click the link building estimation, different items of work

So for body development, Mother womb is equipped with good climatic conditions, materials will be taken from Mother’s body, and mother hormones, micro-organisms will be worked as labors for developing the internal and external body and different items of works for the baby development in the mother’s womb.

Who is the World’s richest person as per Ancient Indian scriptures??

As per the Ancient Indian scriptures all the amount value which we earn during humans lifetime like the house, bank balance, assets, liabilities etc is ‘zero’ as all these won’t carry forward to next life except good and bad deeds.

So the one who performs 100 % good deeds will become the world’s richest person and for such persons contract or lease period never expires and such persons can also live up to 100000 years like the people of Satya Yuga in Kali-yuga also.

So as per Ancient Indian scriptures, the one who performs 100% good deeds in all his/her life span is the richest person in the World.

Note: In one life if the Soul takes the body of a male in present life then in next life the same Soul will take the body of female as the Soul will get bored if it takes same body all the time.

Conclusion :

As discussed above, 15 steps are the major steps involved during commercial building construction and end-user occupancy and the commercial building steps can be compared to the body of plants, animal’s, the human body etc species and the one who performs 100 % good deeds throughout his/her lifetime is the world’s richest person as per Ancient Indian Scriptures.

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